Thursday, May 19, 2011

Prayers Please....

I don't know Melissa in person but I feel like I know her very well from the adoption and the digital scrapbooking community. She is going through some big stuff and not having been through it myself but my "boyfriend" at the time (later my husband) went through cancer and chemotherapy too. It can be very rough and emotional and I really remember some of the things she is going through... like losing her hair. It was a struggle even for a guy to go through it! (we didn't have the insight to shave it first thought!)

So I just wanted to give a quick and simple shout out to Melissa and her family. She has already shown amazing strength and faith that it is super amazing how strong she is being (or showing us...which she doesn't have to put on a front for us....)  So please if you are reading just give her and her family a minute in your prayers!


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